Feeling Better: Slim Shady Please Stand Up

13124727_10209380976145762_8424498980420796722_nSo, a few weeks ago I posted a FaceBook video telling the world that I was sick of feeling sick with headaches and stomach issues. I had to make some serious changes because I didn’t want to go to the doctor again for another issue. I have dealt with horrible allergies for the past 10 years so I have spent a lot of time at the doctor’s office.  And being a mom to two kiddos, I have taken them to every doctor appointment, dentist you name it for almost 15 years. So, I am done with doctors for a while.  Not that doctors are bad, but I knew that I had to try to change some things before I needed medical attention.

I knew in my gut–literally and metaphorically–that I had to change my eating habits.  I was scared. I think, but not completely sure but I think I was afraid to make the clean eating commitment. I normally embrace change and the challenges that go along with change but this one meant I would have to plan, prepare and think about food, all the time. I think about the healthy snacks I should have in the house, the whole foods dinners I will have to make and will my family humor me and try all the healthier menus? I also thought that all this focusing on food will take me away from my business. I actually do think that it could take over, but that is a sorry excuse.  This is just the next step in my journey. Now it is time to work on me.

So, eating clean and wholesome isn’t a new concept to me. I know what is good for me. I just let the excuse that I am so busy take over that I fell out of love with thinking, cooking and planning. My mind was 100% focused on building this real estate business that I just stopped taking care of me.   I ended up in a position where I could care less anymore and just accepted my fate that I wasn’t going to get that Sports Illustrated call to model for their cover.  Even though it would be so cool to check supermodel off of my bucket list, I know even at my age and in super shape, Sports Illustrated still wouldn’t be calling! What I ended up doing is put myself in the position that headaches and stomach aches was a daily occurrence. I was lethargic, I could feel my motivation for my business slow down and I just felt…. complacent.

I am just starting week 3 of my new awareness of what I am consuming. I still haven’t food prepped, but I have shopped and have ingredients for 3 dinners for the week and have healthy snacks ready to go in the fridge for myself.  I did a cleanse during week 1 and man was that fantastic. It was nothing like I expected! I know some people do major cleanses and I didn’t want to have 3 days sitting on the toilet! Seriously, I didn’t want that at all.  So, instead I followed the 3 Day Refresh by Beachbody and had fun with their program and meal and snack ideas. This is when I knew that my mind is ready to move forward with this plan. My head, heart and gut are all ready for Slim Shady to please stand up! I envision myself feeling good every day. Every time I think I need a snack, I check my fruit and veggie choices and grab something from that drawer in the fridge. I am starting to feel my energy come back and feel like the Camille who I really enjoy having around!

I hope you will too!


By the way, I made a great new recipe last night (new to me) which I found on Pinterest! It is under a board where a pinner lists all these great 21 Day Fix by Beachbody (again!) friendly recipes! Here is the link to my board “Good Eats” if you want to see what I am pinning and making these days! I made the lasagna roll ups last night and they were deee-lish!

Here is the link to my facebook video! 



*Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a professional writer nor am I am proficient in where to place commas, when to italicize (or is it appropriate to italicize or use parenthesis?) and that my sentences are grammatically correct. I am merely releasing all the thoughts that are in my brain and sharing them with you. If you enjoy my posts GREAT but I know they are written with many errors. Taking a creative writing class or a grammar class is next on my “to do” list. I promise. I also like to use double and triple exclamation points!!!! (Sometimes 4!)

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