Livin’ Up to my Facebook Status

Earlier this year my daughter was mad at me about something I did or didn’t do or maybe it was something I said? Oh, who knows but one of her comments to me was “way to live up to your Facebook status mom!” My first thought was to punch her but being the adult and her mom I decided it was a great teaching moment. Not just a moment, but momentS.  I actually didn’t say anything back to her. I just let it slide because I knew she was just mad at me for that moment and she is just trying to one up me on snarky comments. I gave her that victory and have been trying to live up to my Facebook status and posts ever since then.

So, her statement caused me to look through my posts. Am I portraying myself in a way that isn’t really me? Do I give off the impression that I am living this high life? That I am perfect? A perfect mom, wife, daughter? Do I tell the world that my marriage has been smooth sailing since we said “I do?” My kids are on the honor roll each quarter, never in trouble and that I don’t have any challenges in life? And I don’t think that I do. If I do, I apologize now. I know that I post a lot of positive quotes, funny videos and do silly quizzes quite a bit. Why? Because  that is really who I am! I try to find the positive in every situation, I love love love to laugh. I think I am funny, I love people who make me laugh and I love smart people who are funny. And the silly quizzes, well, let’s just think of those as junk food for the brain. We all need junk food at times and I might as well dive into silly quizzes than a handful of cookies! (that was for you Mel & Alice)

In all seriousness, Facebook is very powerful. I didn’t know much about Facebook until it was around the time of my 25th high school reunion. It was the best way to start connecting with everyone. It was so freakin’ fun to see everyone as adults. I moved out of my hometown when I was 18 and then out of state when I was 20 so I have been out of the loop for a long time with high school people. Even though I am married and have had children, it was so fun to see all of my high school friends as functioning adults, married and as parents!  We are all spread across the US and the world. Gone are the days were everyone graduates from high school, goes off to college and goes back to the home town to work and live. It’s incredible how our lives have just gone in a million directions. So, yeah, it was really cool to see everyone on Facebook before the reunion. What sucked, is that because we got to peak at everyone on Facebook, we had such a small group show up for the reunion. Ugh. So disappointing. Welcome to the age of technology I guess. And, I guess those who didn’t leave my hometown had no desire to get dressed up, pay money, and hang out with people they can just run into doing their everyday errands. So, that’s the power of Facebook! So, did I digress on livin’ up to my Facebook Status? Just a little but not too bad of a digression like usual!

Just as I am in person, I think before I talk, I think before I post. I post a lot of positive comments but if you have a conversation with me, I will say a lot of positive comments. I try to stay away from gossip, Debbie Downers and those who carry drama clouds everywhere they go. I am just done with it all. I am done with those who can not or will not or don’t have the desire to move forward. You have to be uncomfortable to grow, literally and metaphorically. My son’s friend gets pains in his legs sometimes. His doctor said it is growing pains, so literally, for him it is uncomfortable to grow. For me, I absolutely hate being the center of attention. This makes me very uncomfortable. In fact, when I am unsure of the company that I am surrounded by, I am the quietest person in the room. Another thing I absolutely hate, like I would rather scratch my eyeballs out, is to video myself talking and then to watch it. But, I have been doing it. Why? Because I was challenged by my broker to make videos as part of my marketing. The simple fact that I listen to her is HUGE and that I actually am doing what she suggests I do is even more HUGE. I listen to her because she has achieved the level of real estate success that I would like to achieve for myself, so I listen and do the things she tells me to. Just like that.  Are they uncomfortable? Yep, they sure are. Am I doing the things she tells me to do? Yep. Do I enjoy it? Yah, actually I do for the most part. I am actually starting to appreciate my unique self and that not everyone has to be perfect to be on video. As I get older and wiser I realize a lot of those who get media attention are not truly worthy of media attention. I won’t digress, because this topic alone will be a book.

So, after my self evaluation of my Facebook posts, I feel that I don’t put anything out there that isn’t truly a reflection of who I am and what I am about. I didn’t really think I was doing that because I am as down to earth as it gets. Seriously. You want to know how I actually have stayed married for as long as I have? Ask me. I will tell you that for the most part, my husband entered my life at the perfect time. He is smart, nerdy, muscular, funny, smarmy and pretty hunky all in one package. Best of all he is my best friend so that is why it works.  Does he irritate me? Yep. Do I irritate him? I doubt it. Kidding. Do we fight? You bet. Are my kids the smartest in their class? Not really. They are actually right smack in the middle with their average grades. Are they the start athletes? Kind of and not at all. So there. One snarky comment from my daughter led me to evaluate my whole social media presence. And I love the shit outta’ her for it.

This is Aviana, the one who keeps me and my social media on point.
This is Aviana, the one who keeps me and my social media on point.

Go out there friends and move forward!! Watch those Facebook & Social Media Posts, your kids & the world is watching you!

Till Next Time,


*Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a professional writer nor am I am proficient in where to place commas, when to italicize (or is it appropriate to italicize or use parenthesis?) and that my sentences are grammatically correct. I am merely releasing all the thoughts that are in my brain and sharing them with you. If you enjoy my posts GREAT but I know they are written with many errors. Taking a creative writing class or a grammar class is next on my “to do” list. I promise. I also like to use double and triple exclamation points!!!! (Sometimes 4!)

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