Writer’s Block or Too Much On My Mind? You Decide!

il_570xN.449779540_b92s (1)I have so many random thoughts going through my head. Seriously, if you could hear all that goes through my head you would wonder how I haven’t imploded or exploded by now, which is why I am baffled that I can not focus on any one topic to write. So, I am going to write about my writer’s block because this is what I do when I am trying to work through something , I write. Perhaps if I get all these random thoughts out of my head, I will free the block and write something a bit more profound the next time! (or at least funny!)

  • Why can I think of 20 marketing ideas for someone else besides myself?
  • I love being a Realtor (pronounced REAL-tor, not reel-a-tor and yes I am still working on this pronunciation myself.)
  • Why can’t I just get back in the gym and work out 5 times a week like I used to?
  • I think it’s cool that we can connect with people from all aspects of our lives on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media outlets.
  • Sometimes I am so organized in my work and home-life and sometimes I am such a mess.Why is this?
  • Some of the most influential women in my life, besides my mom, I have met in the past 20 years. All of them older than me except for one. All very different personality styles, leadership styles but all have left a huge mark on me at some capacity.
  • I am really amazed that I am still married and still love the crap out of my husband.
  • Did you know that my husband does NOT read my blog posts? He says that he is just not a “blog person.” Really? Whatever Jeff Kooi. I do feel he is missing out but I will catch up with him after my national interview on the Today show, because I am sure that a producer will somehow get a hold of this post and recent posts and be so smitten that she will call me in to do a segment!
  • Speaking of the Today show, did you know that I went back to college to pursue my dream of broadcast journalism? I didn’t follow through and that is probably my only regret, besides a couple of really dumb, stupid boyfriends I allowed in my life in my 20’s (but I digress!). I do however, foresee myself on TV at some capacity, maybe hosting a local Real Estate related show. 
  • It has been 2 freakin’ months since I wrote a post. WTH??
  • I never realized at 20 years old how much I would miss living away from my parents. I wish that I lived closer to them and it wasn’t a plane trip away. Sometimes you just need your parents, no matter how old you are.
  • I am so quick to cry or get choked up. I have done this quite a bit lately. I also have laughed so hard lately that I cry so perhaps I am completely losing my mind?
  • Some days I am so proud of how much my husband and I have achieved since we first met and then a wave of anxiety will run through me of how much more I still want to accomplish. (such a strange feeling)
  • My soul is starting to be peace (again) since I started my yoga practice.  I just need to increase how often I practice. (working on this goal now, I just paused to do downward dog pose) I am kidding, I did not. I actually did child’s pose. Again, I am messing with you.
  • Connecting with an old friend that I haven’t talked to since high school also has also been quite healing.  Now, I just wish she was my neighbor or at least we lived in the same state!
  • Isn’t it weird that one person that I have known for less than a year can have such an influence in my life? I mean, life changing influence in a good, no GREAT way.
  • So, this is me with writers block. All totally random thoughts. Any one of these thoughts would be a great blog post on its own but I didn’t figure this out until this very second.
  • I need to lose a lot of weight. I am slowly taking action. I want to feel as good about my physical being as I finally do in my career. That needs to be balanced so I can move upward and onward!
  • It’s probably a good thing that Jeff doesn’t read my blogs, these are things that I tell him anyway or I think that I tell him. The second I have his undivided attention, I am nonstop. I am sure he needs a break from me and all of my talking but he is nice enough to just listen!
  • Do you know what I do quite often, perhaps a couple of times a day? I think about a person and the second I think about them, I will get a text, email, phone call, or they comment on a post that I have on Facebook? That is totally weird. I notice that it happens quite a bit. Weird, but so cool. Just shows you how connected I am to those who are in my life!
  • Ok, enough for now. I don’t want you all to know the true depth of my craziness. Hopefully by getting all this randomness out, I can write on a more consistent basis!crazy_exercise

Until Next Time Peeps!


*Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a professional writer nor am I am proficient in where to place commas, when to italicize (or is it appropriate to italicize or use parenthesis?) and that my sentences are grammatically correct. I am merely releasing all the thoughts that are in my brain and sharing them with you. If you enjoy my posts GREAT but I know they are written with many errors. Taking a creative writing class or a grammar class is next on my “to do” list. I promise. I also like to use double and triple exclamation points!!!! (Sometimes 4!)