Customer Service Savvy

So much discussion surrounds customer service. It’s either shitty or it is fantastic, right? Almost no in between service. The expectation is that customer service should be hands down, knock you out GREAT! Especially from someone who makes a living on tips or commission, you would think people in these positions would be EXPERTS on customer service. Not always the case, and remember how I feel about expectations! (If you don’t expect much, then you will be pleasantly surprised when anyone does anything nice!)

My first retail job was in the late 1980’s and the customer service motto then was to treat everyone as you would want to be treated. As a 16 year old, that idea really confused me because when I walked into a store, it made me nuts when employees would great me at the door and proceed to follow me around and ask me a ton of questions when I just wanted to look!  I think a majority of the people feel this way. So, needless to say, I wasn’t the star employee at that job! I did great on sales once I knew someone wanted my help, but because I didn’t jump down their throats when they first walked in the door, my managers constantly were taking me aside asking me if I liked working there! Can you imagine, I had comparable sales results with the rest of the staff but because I didn’t interject an enthusiastic cheerleader “HI, HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING TODAY?” I was constantly being pulled to the side and being talked to! But, yet my sales totals were there, I just didn’t do a back flip then straddle jump when greeting customers into the store!

So, when it comes to customer service, how do people want to be treated? I think people want to feel respected, heard and most of all empowered. I learned this lesson back when I was bar tending. I loved bar tending for so many reasons, but the main reason is that I love to watch people, period. When I bar tended, I actually loved it when someone would send a drink back because they couldn’t taste the alcohol. Most often I would ask the customer what they feel is missing in their drink. I would say, maybe I forgot a shot of something in your long island, tell me what you think I forgot and I will add it for you. Often times the customer was in such shock that I would ask THEM what was missing they couldn’t tell me what was missing. But, by me asking them, they felt empowered, respected and they knew I heard, often time loud and clear I heard them. I would rather fix the mistake, get the drink back to the customer and have them come back to the bar when I was working because I relied on their tips to pay for so many things!! (Here was my secret to fixing the drink, whatever alcohol they told me was missing, say vodka, I would take the liquor bottle, pour vodka down the straw about half way so when they go take a sip of their drink, they get a shot of vodka.  Which,by the way,  made for very happy customers!  And I didn’t waste a full drink with 4 shots of liquor in it! haha!)

Female Bartender Pouring a Martini

I am a firm believer that you learn more by listening. When it comes to food and beverages, nothing teaches you more about dealing with people then working at a restaurant. In fact, I will make sure my kids have that experience at some time before moving out of the house. Seriously. Nothing can prepare you for dealing in the real world than playing well with others and sharing all the toys in the sandbox like working in a restaurant.

So, three key points to FANTASTIC service is to:

1. Show Respect- by demonstrating points 2 & 3!

2. Empower-Let the client dictate the flow and tone of the conversation.

3. Listen- Ask them questions to learn how you can be of assistance. When they reply, listen attentively to their reply!

Till Next Time Peeps!


*Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a professional writer nor am I am proficient in where to place commas, when to italicize (or is it appropriate to italicize or use parenthesis?) and that my sentences are grammatically correct. I am merely releasing all the thoughts that are in my brain and sharing them with you. If you enjoy my posts GREAT but I know they are written with many errors. Taking a creative writing class or a grammar class is next on my “to do” list. I promise. I also like to use double and triple exclamation points!!!! (Sometimes 4!)

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