Begin Here

Today marks my first blog post. I have been pondering on the idea of a blog for years but I wasn’t sure where to start. So, this is where I am getting started. Right here, right now. I have toyed around with many ideas. Most of my thoughts revolve creating great titles for books, blogs, columns, TV segments–what have you. Oh, I have ideas. I have so many that it is impossible to listen to them all and to follow through on most of them. I am literally my own muse.

Here is what is (possibly) ahead for this blog and future book titles:

  • Random Thoughts
  • Shiny Objects
  • I wish I were my Dog
  • 40…Now What? (I thought of this title 3 years ago, haha!)
  • The Real Deal Camille
  • Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur (I have run a few businesses in my 10 years)
  • What Not to Do when Running your Own Business (I have expert advice here)
  • Real Estate 101 (Not so much expert advice in this category, but this is my life right now!)
  • Parenthood 201 (I have 2 kids who are 13 and 8, and I am no expert, but again, I can tell you what NOT to do!)
  • Organize your Life and your Closet (I had an organizing business for a while as well)

Ok, now that I got these ideas out there in the world, don’t be surprised if I have a series of random thoughts over the next few posts. I need to get these ideas out of my brain so I can move on with my life!

